I Challenge You To A Challenge To Improve Yourself - Baxter Cribbs

I Challenge You To A Challenge To Improve Yourself


I challenge you to improve yourself in your marketing

If you never challenge yourself then you will never grow to become the best you can be.  From the teaching of Brian Tracy I learned...

"you will never know how far you can go unless you go further than you can go"

The speaker, author, and coach, Curt Rosengren  said it like this...

 "If you want to make the most out of your career, weave these two words into the fabric of your approach to life: “Challenge yourself.”                  

Curt Rosengren goes on to say... "You will never fulfill even a fraction of your potential by sticking to the safe and comfortable. Why? Because the safe and comfortable never forces you to rise to the occasion. It never offers the resistance that strengthens muscles you didn't know you had."

I know that I have faced many challenges that I did not know what to call it,  I just knew it would be tough to get through.  Situations like overcoming a weight problem at age 13.  Putting down several unwanted, could have been, serious additions.  Choosing to build character, integrity and honesty through a commitment to God. Becoming a manager of two different departments in a local company. 

I ask you to look in your life to see what challenges you have already achieved. What levels of greatness you have risen to.  

Related reading: We all are a work in progress

With you being the great marketer that you are you may be asking... what would a YouTube challenge do for me? Great question, let's look at...

A challenge helps you Hit the fast track to authority 

When you are taking a challenge, take it from someone who is better than you are in that field.  Then look at what that Challenge will bring to you in the way of growth. Here is a hint that will help you determine if it will be good... you have to pay to be in it. 

Look at the prize offered and what it will bring to you in publicity.  Most that are seen in public places with achievements are considered an authority.  By those who do not know as much as you do and by those that are more successful but need your services.    

Here is a better thought.

How will it make you think of yourself when you first achieve the challenge?  Confidence through the roof!

 But then... when others do recognize your ability also, your belief in yourself that you can do anything will skyrocket and you will feel like an authority.  This in turn will help your perseverance.  This brings us to the next thought ... 

Perseverance built by challenge 

When you continue day after day with the challenge, even without results, you are building perseverance.  Perseverance goes hand in hand with consistency.  

Consistency is needed to keep your brand out in the public so that you will look like an authority.  Being an authority means people and yourself expect something of you therefore you push yourself beyond what you normally do to become greater at what you do.    

So then a challenge is to help you get unstuck!  You are usually surrounded by others that are trying to win the prize of the challenge also.  Let's say the prize is $500 to the winner at the end of 30 days, could you persevere for 30 days?   I am sure you could?  Then could you do it again after that?

Here is what I am after.  If the challenge is designed right and you believe you could do it you would give every effort to do so.  And by doing so you build perseverance 

You Should Challenge Yourself Everyday

If you have never been in a challenge... start small.  Example if you lay on the couch all day challenge your self to stand up for 30 minutes while watching the tube. 

Related Reading: Doing more to move you forward 

If you have been in challenge and you want to stretch your self, maybe become an instant authority and increase you perseverance and consistency then try this 30 day challenge that can help you earn more than money in 30 days. 

Facebook Business Manager

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to your success 

Baxter Cribbs 


PS -- this is not the only challenge out there but it is an awesome challenge with a great trainer. See you on the inside 30 day blitz challenge

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Baxter Cribbs

Baxter Cribbs -- I like marketing and Copywriting and helping other learn the same. When I am not learning about either of these I like to work out. The outdoor YMCA track is his favorite place. I also like studying and talking about the scriptures. I believe a person should be growing until the end of life.

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