Baxter Cribbs

How to Keep Your Eyes on the Screen While Recording a Video

Have you seen some videos where the author keeps on wanting to show you his ear?

Or maybe it is the top of his or her head?

For many being in front of a camera can change the way you think, that is, you forget what it is you wanted to say. Your thinker shuts off!

This does not happen when you are in front of a friend and you are excited about something and you want to share it with them.

I think I know what is happening and that is what this blog post is about.

The first point I want to make, is to know your product so well that we do not have to think about it when we speak about it anywhere. Because knowing your product gives you confidence and your subconscious helps to feed your mouth the words that you need.

Get a Script

But until we get to that point, my thought is you need a video script of some sort, to help to keep you on track.
What I have learned about this is …

Step one — write out what you want to tell your audience

Step two — read this script 8 or 10 times to get it in your head and to make sure what you are saying makes sense.

Reading aloud helps with this tremendously.

Step three — record yourself and listen to it

Step four — after you have got the main ideas and words in your head make a list of all your main points in big fonts that you can read easily.

step five – now record your self from this list of main points – audio or video – if video is what you want to do then use that medium. When you are ready – or even if you are not — do this anyway because practice makes perfect. The usual problem is we don't practice. Open your script that you have been reading from in a word processor of your choice.

Next, turn on your video recorder on your computer screen of what ever you are using to record (youtube, your computer videorecorder, etc. most likely your screen will look like this (insert clip)This is where I want to show you how to keep your eyes more focused toward the audience.

Now go to the bottom of your computer screen and put your mouse pointer over the bar (in windows)

and right click. you should get a pop up window that says “cascade windows”,  show windows stacked , show windows side by side.   click on one of these and see how it arranges you camera and your word processor.

If your computer is like mine — the camera will stay focused on you no matter where you put on the screen. But you need the word processor where you are most comfortable .



Now start recording — you words are in front of you and you are in front of the camera. It should look like this video below.

To your success

Thank You 


you can contact me here


PS - if you are interested in learning more about working with videos  then click below and see if this will help you.

The Simple video script formula 

Here’s a short word-for-word script that’ll transform a simple 2-minute video into a RAGING LEAD-GENERATION MACHINE… flooding your website with FREE laser-targeted traffic.

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