Baxter Cribbs

How Anger Can Short Circuit Your Servo-mechanism

Image by franky242 at

Anger Management needed

Image by franky242 at

How Anger Can Short-Circuit Your Servo-mechanism 

Anger can short circuit your servo-mechanism as fast a water being thrown into a fuse box.  This slows down any form of growth whether it is your anger or some other persons being directed at you that you allow to infect you.  

  I watched this in action as a man who had been doing shutdown's for most of his life and worked with power tools as he put it, “for a million years” and could not figure out how to use an alan wrench to remove a grinding blade from a new grinder.  He was mad when he walked in the door and started attacking the front counter clerk.     

Being Mad Blocks  your hearing  

This grinder you sold me has got the wrong wrench in it, he said.  “It is suppose to have a spanner wrench to take this two-holed nut off so you can change the blade,” he spouted out.     

The counter clerk followed the rules and called the company for the man to see if they could answer his question – even though they were telling him the correct thing to do it simply would not work. Not because it would not work but because he already was mad and could not listen to what the person on the phone what telling him. Therefore, his growth was stopped in its tracks!

Then, when he got off the phone he was even more upset and continued his yelling at the front counter clerk.  “I have never had a store to have me to call the company!”   “Sir that is what is says right here on the box,” as the clerk showed the customer. Well you will not have to worry about me coming in here any more!

  “Me and the manager is going to have some words!”  He is standing right here as the clerk pointed at the manager and he stepped forward.

Anger causes loss of Time and relationships  

He looked at the man and then the clerk and said “just give him his money back.”  The clerk was shaking because the customer just kept on being ugly and the manager said “just give him his money back and be done.”  And he stood there to personally hand the customer  back his money so that the clerk would not have to get near the customer.  

The man did not have words with the manager, he took the money and left.  I know the manager had a few choice words that he could have said to the man but he did not.  As somebody once said, if I get this right — “the less you respond to negativity the more positive your life will be.”  

Control your own anger

This is because one negative leads to another and another until you have destroyed each other. The manager could have embarrassed the  customer by showing him how easy it was to remove the grinding wheel.  Or, telling the customer that if he did not know how to operate an alan wrench that he sure did not need a grinder.  But that would have been perceived as being a smart butt!  Just let them go — some customers you do not need.  

Just let them go — some customers you do not need.  

Now, why this story?  And it is a true story.  As business people, marketers of whatever product, you are going to have difficult customers.  If you have a brick and mortar  they can just walk in and attack.  If you are online you will still have those who will be verbally abusive with text.   

There are also other ways to allow anger to interfere  with your goals in life.  Sometimes when we don't get enough leads,  or the leads that we do get are not converting.  Or your ad gets shut down, or the target market is not just right.   There are so many ways that anger can get into our head. 

This can help

But, there is a way to reduce the negative actions so that you do not have so much.  It is called Attraction Marketing.  

I would like to share with you what my friend and expert on this subject, Ferny Cellabos, says in this quote from his blog post.


(Ferny's quote) 

I think we will all look back at the year 2015 as the tipping point for when Internet marketing (i.e. passive online selling & recruiting) was finally legitimized as the force it deserves to be recognized as, in network marketing.

Person after person, stood up at the 6-Figure Summit saying they built their businesses, primarily using Internet marketing.

Now, if they were only 6-figure earners, what has happened in the past is that ‘old schoolers’ would dismiss their success as a ‘fluke’ or ‘non-duplicatable.’

However, 2 seats from me sat a woman named Hayley who stood up when 7-figure earners were asked to identify themselves and she openly said that she built online and she described her strategy.

What she outlined as the blueprint for her business was exactly a method we’ve been teaching at Elite Marketing Pro for years, which we call ‘attraction marketing,’ outlined in our FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp available here and published an e-book on called Attraction Marketing Formula.

In addition to Hayley, others stood up and shared very similar approaches.

These folks didn’t message strangers online templated messages like in Strategy #1.

They didn’t fill their friend’s News Feeds with thinly veiled promotions for an opportunity or product as in Strategy #2.

What they did was they created a truly passive way of making sure that when they woke up each morning…

They would have an inbox full of notifications, letting them know that there were 10, 20, 50, or even hundreds of new prospects, interested in learning more about their opportunity or product.

They would also have an inbox full of notifications of 5 – 10 new CUSTOMERS waiting to receive their product and excited about the possibility it holds for them.

They would also have an inbox full of notifications of 5 – 10 new DISTRIBUTORS ready to get signed up (or already signed up while you slept), waiting to be led in their new exciting venture.

You see, just about every other type of business in the world is now using proven, passive and scalable online marketing & advertising methods.

So why NOT your network marketing business? The only reason would be if it wasn’t a REAL business. But you and I know better.

There is a proven way to build online and you can learn more about it here via my bootcamp.

Just like anything else in business, this will take work and study.


I am thankful to Ferny for sharing this important information with us.  It has help hundreds of people, including my self.

If you have found this blog and its information useful, then sign up for your free 10 day bootcamp or share it with someone you think will find it useful. 


thank you,

to your success,


you can contact me here

Enduring Investments Inc or Baxter Cribbs on Facebook.

PS.  sign up for your 10 day bootcamp can help propel you ahead in  your life goals and your business goals.  



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