Baxter Cribbs

3 Essential Elements For Productivity


Productivity requires a commitment to excellence 

If someone or something has the quality of excellence, they are extremely good in some way. Productivity happens when you are extremely good at what you do because you can do it better, faster, and with quality. Therefore you have a high output of what ever you are working on.  

Mercedes Benz is a car company that is committed to excellence.  They are always looking to make things about the car better and they are good at producing the number of vehicles with quality. 

This is the idea I am trying to convey, always trying to be better, not perfect.  Productivity is what we are after, not a stop to production which is what perfectionism will do. 

Then, you need commitment to go with the excellence.  I have often said... "the hardest thing about doing anything is to make up your mind to do it."

You have to be committed in your mind that you are going to do a thing, whatever it may be not matter what may come your way.  No matter what obstacles, road blocks etc. are thrown in your way.  

When I decided to quit smoking that was a commitment I made no matter who smoked around me, who offered me one, who did not believe I was going to quit.  I was committed. 

A must have as a leader

Being an Entrepreneur, manager, or leader,  means you are in charge. You are the one others look to for answers, for direction, for an example of excellence.  You have to be committed to finding and presenting that presence in your work and personality. 

If you are in a business where you serve customers (and who is not) you must have this or customers will pick up on this quickly and assume you do not care.    

Intelligent Planning is a must for Productivity

For a long time when I would get off work, my day job, and come home to work on my part time job of blogging and marketing I would sit down at my desk and two hours later have nothing done.  What was the problem?  Then a coach said...

 "know what you have to do before you sit down at your desk to work or you will spend all your time trying to figure out what you should be doing."

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And so the old saying that... "if you don't know where you are going any road will get you there" is so true. 

Bob Proctor said, "just image you are backing out of your drive way in your car and you don't know which way you want to go, and somebody says which way are you going?  You say, I am going west!  West where?  

You have to think about what you are doing, you have to plan.  When I sat down to write this post I had a plan of what I wanted to say and the layout that I wanted to present this.  If I had not you would not be reading this now. 

Without Focused Effort Productivity Is Lost 

This is a big one. Focusing has become..., well I forgot what I was going to say. Now, where was I at?  What was I doing? 

Just kidding... but that is exactly what I am talking about.  We loose focus so quickly because we have all these things going on around us. Cell phones ringing, buzzing, vibrating, and dinging, saying pay attention over here!  

Besides that, Email, messenger and Facebook notifications going off crying out for our attention.  People walking in asking question, giving you something else to do and our focus is everywhere but where is needs to be... so productivity is lost because of distractions.  

Therefore, to regain your productivity the number one thing to do is...shut all those notification off.

Here is the reason... every time one of those notifications goes off, even if it is the vibration of your phone...what happens to your mind?  It goes to that phone!

Who is calling? What am I missing out on?  It might be...? And just like that your mind is off of your work and it can take you up to 23 -1/2 minutes to get back to the project at hand.  

And... turn off your radio unless it is classic music or music only, that is no words.  The reason is your mind is going back and forth from the words you are hearing to the work you are trying to do.   

This is multitasking!  Dangerous stuff! You make more mistakes, you get tired quicker. This brings about aggravation, stress, and you start to hate your job etc. etc..   


Commit to being excellent at your work, where ever it is taking you

Take the time to plan intelligently 

Turn of all distractions so you can focus.

If you have found this helpful please like it and share it with others who may benefit from it also.

thank you,

to your success,

Baxter Cribbs

PS. Another way to have productivity in your life's work is to stop trying to re-invent the wheel.  Click here and get 2 for the price of one. Learn Attraction Marketing and how to use it on LinkedIn  

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